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Virtual Singer; [UFO-Chii]
Name (Alt): UFO-地異
​Age: Adult
Gender: Alien (it/they)
Height: 125cm
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An alien comedian that somehow lost its way out of its own orbit and found itself in our solar system on Earth.
Ufo-chii prides itself on its own smarts and comedic skill: it can come off as competitive in trying to be the funniest person in the room, and fails horribly. Its jokes come off as dry and its delivery is poor, as Ufo-chii fails to understand the core components of what makes something truly funny to humans.
Ufo-chii is described as bratty and stuck-up when proven wrong or out-done in its own comedy.
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Voice provider - Manujig/plagueworm
Illustration - UpTown-P
Web - voicefacesynthesis
TOS - Default terms apply
Affiliation - VoiceFace

About the voice provider
Plagueworm has been an avid follower of the vocal synth scene since she was a young child, but only started to experiment with making covers and UTAU voicebanks in early 2021.
While Astrid is the first voicebank plagueworm has designed and made herself, she has voiced multiple characters for friends. most are private, but two have seen public releases (with another in development).
Plagueworm enjoys drawing and making UTAU covers, but wishes to expand her horizons into song arrangements and even original songs featuring vocal synths.
While she is currently a very small creator in the community, plagueworm made a UST for "Stir and Mix" from Scratchin' Melodii's soundtrack that received a surprising amount of public use.

Voice databases
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