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Virtual Singer; [Kidiloid]
Age: 18
Gender: Male (he/him)
Birthday: 9th of March
Height: 180cm
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Kidiloid is an android who has a love for old technology. He adores old video games like Space Pinball and ToonTown, in addition to this, he owns an old nokia phone he often uses for MySpace. Sometimes he may come off as uncaring or rude, but in reality he is a huge softie who loves to joke around with friends by being playfully mean.
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Voice provider - BUFFIN MUFFIN
Illustration - BUFFIN MUFFIN
Web - kidiloid_distribution_site
TOS - kidiloid_distribution_site terms
Affiliation - VoiceFace

About the voice provider
BUFFIN MUFFIN has been in the vocal synth sphere for a short while, however has only gotten into the fandom recently.
BUFFIN has voiced only one UTAU, that being Kidiloid.
BUFFIN MUFFIN makes their own covers of songs that he likes.
He does not consider himself notable within the vocal synth community.

Voice databases
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