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What's up with us?
We're VoiceFace, a small vocal synthesis collective that is dedicated to uniting users with our virtual singers and help provide a unique range of variety and voice types within the vocal synth sphere, we provide a variety of free use for our vocalist as long as basic guidelines for our TOS is followed.

We are still a small team starting out in our endeavours as, however we hope that during these times we can help users select the virtual singer that's right for them, and maybe even help inspire those who need it!

Virtual singer info 
Currently, we have 4 main vocalists. This being; Kidiloid, Tomi, Astrid and Yuno Nio along with various side vocalists that are dedicated to multiple genres. Each virtual singer has their own unique voice. All of our vocalists have a wide arrange of different styles of voice type to choose from in various languages from Japanese, to Chinese and even English.

We mostly specialize in producing voice databases for
UTAU, however we're trying to strive in usage for other programs! 

Do you have a question or problem? shoot us a message :) 
To contact us about questions, problems with our virtual singers or business related, please send a message to us here:

We look forward to seeing what you make with our virtual singers, please remember to follow the TOS of our virtual singers.
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